Saturday, March 30, 2013


This weeks class discussion we talked about parenting. Early in the week we talked about characteristics that keep us grounded as members in a family or as parents. First we have courage, then responsibility, then cooperation, and finally respect. For  courage we talked about doing the right things even if it is scary. For responsibility we talked about having the ability to respond to challenges. For cooperation we talked about working together, and for respect we talked about being considerate of one another. We talked about different types of parenting like, authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive parenting. Authoritarian is when the child has no choice and is being controlled by the parent, authoritative is when the child has opportunities for choices and has guided direction, and permissive parenting is when the child is not directed by the parent at all and gets to make their own choices all the time. In class we talked about active parenting. In active parenting we were told to ask ourselves "who owns the problem?' Now this doesn't mean who is at fault for the problem, it means who is affect by the problem. Once we know who the problem affects we can better handle certain situations.

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