Friday, March 1, 2013

Being Aware

This week in my class decision we talked about sexuality and infidelity. Before, we started talking about our topic for the week our teacher asked us what the word sacred means, and many people said that it meant holy (which is a synonym for sacred). We talked about what holy meant, and we came up with it meaning that you discuss something in a proper content or treat it with respect. As we had our class discussion this week we treated this subject with the respect and  importance that it deserved.  In one of our readings called Infidelity: Protecting our Marriages by Scott Gardner and Christian Greiner they mention four types of an affair. I thought it was very enlightening. So there are four types of  affairs, which are; fantasy, visual, romantic, and sexual. They mention how fantasy and visual are forms of detached affairs. Fantasy is an emotional affair, in which one person doesn't know about it, because it's not their fantasy, but the other persons. Visual is a physical affair, an example of this is pornography. They mention how romantic and sexual affairs are attached affairs. A romantic affair is consider an emotional affair, because a person is getting involved with someone other then who they're married to emotionally. And a sexual affair is a physical affair. I thought this was enlightening, because for the most part I don't think many people know that there are other ways to have an affair then just by having sexual intimacy with someone other then their spouse. It is important to be aware of these things in keep and sustain a marriage.

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