Saturday, February 16, 2013


This weeks class discussion was on dating and marriage. Over time dating has changed in the world, and means different things to different people. Dating, for instances now means to have a boyfriend or girlfriend. But not too long ago dating meant just to go on dates with a variety of people. Nothing to serious. I really liked how in class we talked about the stages of marriage. The first stage is dating, then courtship ( a period of time to see how well the two people work together), engagement, and finally marriage. For me, I really like these stages! Also, in one of readings called Hanging Out, Hooking Up, and Celestial Marriage, Bruce Chadwick explains five suggestions for establishing and strengthening a marriage. In his first suggestion his tells us that there is no one right person for us, but there could be many right people for us. We just need to pick and decide who would fit us best. His second suggestion is don't wait for a someone to find you, you find them. His third suggestion is to exercise some faith. Have courage when it comes to dating! His fourth suggestion is keep physical intimacy at an appropriate level. Finally, his fifth suggestion is to pray for those who have used you. To me, the last  suggestion tells me to let go of the past, and the wrongs that people have done to you. You don't want to carry that kind of bagging into the next relationship you have. I believe all these things will help a couple have a commitment marriage and friendship.

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